Monday, November 2, 2009

Group Stories Finalists-1

Who is the joker?
By Greta (with Munif and Liang)

When the boss called him to his office, Steve wasn't too worried, since he's a good worker. But he was in for a big surprise.

On the way to boss’s office, Steve felt very confident about himself. He used to contribute to the company. His boss had said he is the best accountant in the company so many times. He was quite certain of he will be promoted. When Steve watched outside of windows, there seems to hear the birds singing, the flowers smiling and the grass cheering. Everything was so wonderful.

However, when he entered the boss's office, he can smell something wrong, the time seemed frozen, and he even couldn't breathe. The boss was writing something with a serious expression in his face. Steve was almost stark there, and there is a blank in his mind. The boss cleared his throat and said: “Steve, have a seat, I got something have to discuss with you.” After he sat down, the boss continued, “Steve, we all know you used to do superb job in last few years, you know I am not trying to comfort you, everyone noticed that. However, our company got an effect by the financial crisis, and I even don’t know if I can pull it off. So, I'm sorry to say you got to go, but you can get the whole salary of this month."

Steve didn't want to explain anything. He just felt disappointed and moved out slowly. He wondered how it came to him. He was in a shock for a while and expected to good news, but nothing happened. After that, he returned to his seat and sat thinking about how to pay the bill and keep the pot boiling.

"Don't be silly, Steve. You are still the best accountant in this company. You didn't make any mistake. Why not try to find another job? It's lunch time, just have a break to enjoy the lunch." Steve told himself. He looked at his watch: 11:30, April 1st. April 1st !! A gentle smile appeared on his face. He quickly returned to his boss's office and nervously said: "I had a bad news for you, boss. I have just checked the account of our company. We are out of money. Now, we really got into trouble " ... (Steve is smiling and walking away.)

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